She loves staring contests. Now, it is with a parrot at the zoo. She was serious at giving the bird the stare down of its life. What d...
Who Loves Trains?
Who loves trains? With an enthusiastic wave my daughter Yna confirms her love for trains. It is a great that there is a train ride in ...
The Lemon Cupcake Test
My daughter loves the Lemon cupcake from Sonja's. But can she pass the cup cake test? It our crude version of the Stanford marshm...
What Stops You from Living Life?
Life is beautiful even if it seems to suck at times. We never really know what is ahead but we can choose to look forward with a posit...
An Awful Social Truth
Have you noticed that when your are at the top your friends seems to be coming from all directions. Not to mention that you suddenly mee...
If It Is Worth Doing, Do It Now!
People are good at making excuses. Even if immediate attention is required somehow some people can find some wiggle room. Perhaps it is...
Do You Over Think Things?
Sometimes we need to get slapped with the obvious before we actually get it. Are our minds that complex? Or are we over thinking everyth...