Thursday, April 23, 2015

I find myself faced with challenges.  Often they are trivial while others scare the hell out of me.  I suppose everyone feels threatened or unsure of something at one point or another.  But unless we face these fears we can never truly move forward in life.  Surprisingly, these scary points in my life are the ones that tend to strengthen me.  Some would argue that psychology comes into play.  Others point to a higher power.  And still others attribute the big leap to trusting one's gut.  Well, regardless of how you see it, life is full of scary steps.  Whether we take it or not all depends on our own willingness to face the reality of uncertainty or at least gulp down the dread that is eating our insides.  But to those who eventually take that step into the unknown or uncertainty, much is revealed.

Life is full of challenges.  But unless we play the game we will never know if we will succeed.  I am thankful for the species long before man that tried something different.  As the first animals crawled out of the ocean or when our early ancestors first took their steps upright, we all have the capability to make a tremendous impact on life.  Who knows, the next time you step out of that door, you are making a huge leap for all mankind - or at least just for your own success.


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