Wednesday, January 27, 2016

I have the habit of spewing rude and offensive words when I am angry.  Just ride with me while I drive along the Manila's thoroughfares and you will see what I mean.  Sure, daily traffic and poor driving irks me a lot.  But as my wife has pointed out (I can't count how many times now), I have to keep my cool.  Although I can try to justify my poor behavior with the imperfections of humans or even go as far as blame others, they are not legitimate reasons for my rude behavior!

I get angry easily without realizing how lucky I am.  I am blessed with so many things that my anger clouds this reality.  For starters we have a car that we can use. We have gas money so that we can use the car.  The air conditioner in the car works so we do not have to contend with the ever growing pollution in Metro Manila, and here I am blowing my top off just because the driver in front swerved into my lane.

Sure, we may have a point in being angry for what others have done wrong.  But let us choose our words and actions carefully.  For whatever we do, God sees our actions and our hearts.

Do not be rash with your mouth, and let not your heart utter anything hastily before God.  Eccl 5:2

When my daughter prays before we hit the road,she includes praying for a calm dad behind the wheel.  It is humbling to know my child understands the value of a clam demeanor more than I do.  Like many adults out the, I can learn from my daughter.

Let God enter your heart and experience peace - even in the middle of an awful traffic filled with awful drivers


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