Thursday, December 11, 2014

Have you noticed that when your are at the top your friends seems to be coming from all directions.  Not to mention that you suddenly meet long lost relatives.  However, when you are not doing so well, you suddenly find yourself alone.

this social phenomenon exists everywhere.  I suppose it is more of an ill than a phenomenon.  But the stinging truth is that it exists.  But on the up side, you get to know who your real friends are (and not to mention who your real relatives are).

In the end, we must never aim to have more people around us but rather shoot for more meaningful relationships.  We exist not as lone beings but as creatures needing companionship.  However, it is those meaningful relationships that truly matter.

the next time you find yourself in a dismal situation. Look around and see who has stuck with you in spite of your difficulties.  And when you are lucky enough to find someone, treasure them forever.  People who do not leave you in hard times won't leave you in good times.  But I can't say for sure if the situation is the other way around.


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