Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Sometimes we need to get slapped with the obvious before we actually get it.  Are our minds that complex?  Or are we over thinking everything around us?  I know a lot of people playing "what if" scenarios.  What if he asked me out?  what if he did this or did that?  Well, if it happened then it did, deal with it.  If not, Then it did not.  Either way deal with it.

When we over think things we forget to see the simple truths right in front of us.  That can be disastrous.  But people love to speculate, draw conclusions and end up depressed for nothing.

Let me see, here's a list of common topics that people love to analyze and draw conclusions:

love, hate, infidelity, he loves me/she loves me, he does not love me/she does not love me. I'm getting fired, he/she is getting fired, am I going to get caught?, to kiss or not to kiss on a date...

It really drives me crazy when people talk about these things especially the what if scenarios.  what is important is the here and now.  We plan for the future and learn from the past.


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