Tuesday, December 16, 2014

 Yna's lolo (grandfather) loves to take care of plants.  One of his favorites is Gumamela.  They come in different varieties and he pretty much has a lot of them in the garden.  

I remember taking the leaves then crushing them and mixing it with soap to make bubbles.  We don't do that anymore.

Now, we simply en joy the flowers when they bloom and my daughter like them.  She sometimes get up early in the morning just to say hi to them.  At times she gets her little water can and drizzles some water on the plants.

I grew up taking care of plants and flowers and I am glad that my daughter is enjoying this activity as well.  I think spending time in the garden tending the plants is a wonderful bonding time my little princess and I can do more often.

Some of lolo's flowers:


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