Monday, December 29, 2014


 Sometimes, the hardest thing to do is to say "sorry" when you know you're right, or probably when you think your opponent's mistake is heavier/greater than that of yours. Right? Sometimes, saying "sorry" doesn't always have to mean you're wrong, sometimes it just goes to show that your relationship with another person is more important to you than your ego. 

There are people who eagerly want to make you smile when you've got the "suko na ko" feeling. People who intend to convince you that tears are never an option. People who try their best to prove to you that your first won't always be the best. People who give the words "kaya yan!" a meaning. Yeah, those people? You don't hurt those kind of people. In fact, you don't have the right to hurt anybody. Don't give them a reason to think that whatever good they've been showing you is something to regret and forget. 

<<<------ Those people?

They'll be your shoulder when you're at your worst. Your hands when you just can't grip on life's pillars as the deamons of regrets seek your trust. Your knees when you need to kneel down, look up and tell God "Lord, thank you for the gift of life.". Your brain that constantly tells your heart to get back to being a whole when pain simply cracks them into bits and pieces. They'll be your ladder when you need to climb the "highest of the high" mountains. Your bridge when you need to cross decisions. Decisions that are merely compatible. They'll be the wind beneath your wings. The spoon to your fork, the peanut butter to your bread, the lead to your mechanical pencil, but most importantly, the desire to your dreams. 

See, what did I tell you? You don't hurt those kind of people. You can be Spiderman, Ironman, Batman, or any other "man" you want to be, but Superman. SuperMANHID. 

Darling, paradise isn't always a place.. sometimes, it's the comfort you find in someone's presence.

P.S. Sorry, Santo! - Messy 


  1. his is another wonderful post Carmina. You show a lot of wisdom for you age. I am pretty sure we can expect a lot of great things from you.
