Sunday, January 4, 2015

are your efforts in pursuit of your own dreams or are they to build other's dreams?  We often neglect the fact that we all have dreams.  Some work hard for it while others fail to take the right steps towards their goals in life.

Simply put:  work towards your dreams not someone else's.

It is fascinating to see how much effort we put in in our work and still fail to reach the destination we want our lives to go to.  Sure, being employed provides us the means to financially support our family.  But I have seen really capable people simply reduced to being tools of the wealthy and the bosses.  They work tirelessly so that others can succeed.  But then again, it probably boils down to how you see success.

But here is an honest question that you need to ponder on - are your efforts really to achieve your own goals in life or are you simply a tool for others.  When you answer this question honestly, perhaps you can really direct your life towards your dreams.

Dreams will remain as such unless you act upon it.  But be careful, every stride you take can either take you closer or farther away.  Do not be blind to this reality.


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