Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Cancer continuous to kill people.  Although there have been advancement in medicine cancer patients continue to suffer.  Families and friends continue to carry the weight of having lost people they love.

Fighting cancer takes more than  just taking pills or subjecting one's self to excruciating procedures.   Cancer is fought in all battle fields from cancer research laboratories, to schools to every home where people are fighting for their lives. Moreover, everyone should enlist in the fight against cancer.  From cancer prevention campaigns to cancer support groups, everyone must pitch in.  In addition, cancer treatment goes beyond medicines.  Emotional healing, support and counselling are needed.

What is beautiful is that anyone can start the fight against cancer right now.  In our own little way, no matter how insignificant it may seem, we can slowly win.

You can help fight cancer or just watch people die.


  1. This article is touching. Even though we are privilege to advance in technology no cure for cancer. Sad.

    1. Hello there Patrice. Thank you for dropping by and sharing your insights. Cancer topics are close to my heart. Many of my family died from cancer. Likewise I have friends who have passed because of it. As a teenager I remember donating blood so that my aunt can live. But eventually she died of leukemia. I continue to donate blood and help out those who need it. I hope you can join me in the fight for cancer.

  2. The bst way to defeat Cancer is stop it from happening. Live a healthy life, have exercises everyday, eat healthy foods, dont get too much stressors around, stay happy and well. Stop smoking and reduce driking alcohol, eating oily foods, etc. Take care of your body, that is the best solution for cancer

    1. HI there my friend, thank you for the wise suggestions on fighting cancer. Healthy living is indeed a critical step towards eradicating cancer from the face of the earth. when everyone keeps a healthy lifestyle we can win.
